User Profile
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User Profile

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Article summary

Read this article to learn how to change your Panaya password, language, email preferences, and user details.

  1. Click on your name at the top right corner of the screen and select User Profile.
  2. You can modify your First Name, Last Name, SAP User Name, Language, and Email preferences
    Select Save Changes or Discard Changes.
For users to be able to receive email notifications from Panaya, verify that the "Email notification on assigned items activities, comments, and shared views" option is selected.

Changing the password 

  1. Scroll down to the Change Password section
  2. Fill in your current password
  3. Type your new password.
    New Password Guidelines
    Passwords must be at least eight characters and contain at least one uppercase, one lowercase, and one numeric character. Your password expires every three months. You cannot use your last three passwords.
  4. Type your new password one more time
  5. Click on Save Changes

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