Downloading the ABAP Code Extractor
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Downloading the ABAP Code Extractor

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Article Summary

To download the most updated ABAP Extraction Code -

  1. Use the Settings button to open up the settings panel
  2. Select Code Box
  3. Verify that the relevant System is selected
  4. Select the current ERP version

    Panaya analysis is based on custom objects extracted from your system. In most cases, there are differences between objects in the development system and the production system. Because we are extracting the custom-developed objects only from one instance, please choose the system that is best representing your needs for analysis.

    Should you require assistance defining from which system in your landscape you should extract the custom code, please contact our support team, and they will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
  5. Download the ABAP code

    If you are having trouble downloading the code, use the View option to copy and paste the code to your system.
    The extracted code is dynamically updated for improvements and according to your system needs and project's progress. To avoid delays and for better results, you are required to download a new version of the extractor code before every new extraction.
    It is not recommended to use older versions of the extraction.