Google Chrome Recorder & Player Setup
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Google Chrome Recorder & Player Setup

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Article summary

In order to set up the Panaya Recorder & Player to work with Google Chrome, the installation of two extensions is required. 

Before you continue

.NET Framework, version 4.6.2 or above is required with .NET Framework 3.5 enabled
Click here to learn how to enable


Extension 1 - Install ClickOnce for Google Chrome

Watch a quick video on how to install it, then follow the detailed instructions below.

  1. Download and Install the Google Chrome ClickOnce Extension
    If you cannot download the ClickOnce Extension, download this alternative extension
  2. Click on Add to Chrome
  3. Click on Add Extension
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to download and execute the ClickOnceForGoogleChome.exe file
  5. Run the downloaded ClickOnceForGoogleChome.exe file, then click Run 
  6. The following confirmation message should appear


Extension 2 - Install Panaya Recorder for Web Applications
Watch a quick video on how to install it, then follow the detailed instructions below.   

  1. From within Google Chrome, add the Panaya Recorder for Web Applications extension to Google Chrome
  2. Click on the link to download and run the PanayaWebRecorderChromeInstallation.exe file. 
  3. Restart Google Chrome


Verify Both Extensions are Installed

  1. In Google Chrome, click on  
  2. Select More tools and then Extensions
  3. Both extensions should appear as active
  4. Open your Windows Control Panel, select Programs and Features.
    Verify that the Panaya Web Recorder for Chrome and the ClickOnce extension are installed
Panaya Recorder for Web Applications did not install properly or you are unable to download it?
You can download it from Settings > Configuration > Web Recorder > Installer

In case you installed the ClickOnce for Google Chrome extension and nothing happens at all when you start the recorder, try using this alternative extension instead

No admin rights? Cannot add the extensions?
Contact your IT Administrator for assistance

The default installation directory of the PanayaWebRecorderChromeInstallation.exe is under the logged in user's AppData/Roaming folder.