User Management
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User Management

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Article summary

The User Management Console allows you to create new users and connect or disconnect them from projects. This is also where you can set them as Active / Inactive.
When connecting a user to a project, you can define one or more Roles for each user. Roles are managed in the Roles & Permissions Console.

Each Role (per System) is assigned with various Permissions for certain actions within the Panaya application. 
You need to be assigned with the Users Create and Edit permission to view the User Management Console

Change User Details

  1. Click on the Settings buttonto open up the Settings panel
  2. Select Users
  3. Select the By Users view to display all users in a list
    Select By Projects to view all projects
  4. Highlight the user in the list
    To locate users - use the search box to search by name or email

    You can also use filters to narrow the displayed list

Name & Email Notifications

On the right-hand side of the screen, select the Details tab

This is where you can change the First and Last Name for the user and/or set the user as Active / Inactive

Email notifications can be turned on or off -

  • Notify on product updates -  Allows the user to receive important updates on Panaya releases and planned maintenance windows
  • Notify on activity assignments - Allows users to receive email notifications on task assignments

After making any changes, click on Save Changes

Reset User Password

  1. On the right-hand side of the screen, select the Details tab
  2. Click Reset Password and the selected user will receive an email notification with the option to reset the password

Connect to Project

The Connected Projects tab displays the list of projects that the selected user is currently connected to.

  1. To see additional projects, select the Additional Projects tab (1) and select the project from the list (2)
  2. Click on Connect Selected (3)
  3. Save Changes (4)

Assign Roles

  1. To assign Roles to a user (per project), select the project and remove or add Roles as shown below.
    To learn how to define Roles & Permissions, click here.
    Users which are not assigned any role can still access the project in Read-Only mode.
  2. Save Changes

Disconnect a User from a Project

Learn more about disconnecting users from Projects