Reference Type
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Reference Type

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Article summary

The Reference Type column and filter provide information that can help narrow the analysis results and allow you to focus on specific action-based relationships to Scope Items deemed relevant for your change requests.

The Reference Type column and filter are available in the Graph View and List View of your 360° Analysis results.

Update, Create, Delete

These Reference Type values display directly impacted automations performing the selected action to Objects, Fields, and Workflow Field Updates.
Supported component types are Flows, Workflows, Process Builders, and Approval Processes.


This Reference Type value displays all directly and indirectly impacted components referencing the Scope item Object or Field.
Supported component types reference the item by conditions, filters, assignment, display and Lookup.

Trigger on create, Trigger on update, Trigger on delete, Schedule Trigger, Platform Event Trigger, and Invocable

These Reference Type values display which automations are launched (triggered) based on any action (DML on the record, platform event-driven, invocable by other processes or scheduled) in the selected Object or Field.
Supported component types include Flows, Workflows, and Process Builders.


Only one action value can be selected at a time in the filter, multiple values cannot be selected. However, an impacted component may perform multiple actions on the Scope Item, i.e. a flow can both create and update an object. In the List View, the Reference Type column displays all actions for the impacted component.