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SAP GUI Settings for Test Automation
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This guide will help you prepare your SAP system to work with Panaya Test Automation solutions, including Panaya ScriptBuilder and Automation Agents.
A Panaya Automation user.
SAP GUI for Windows: release 7.70 patch 3 and later releases (including 8.00)
At least one SAP connection has been defined for capturing scripts with Panaya ScriptBuilder.
Supported operating systems - Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows 11
Scripting and Security Settings
In the SAP log-on screen, press the button in the top left-hand corner and select Options.
Under Accessibility & Scripting, select Scripting.
Check the Enable scripting option and uncheck all other options as shown below.
Select the Security folder and Security Configuration, then click on Open Security Configuration.
Change the Status to Customized with the Default Action set to Allow.
Apply the new settings and click OK.
No SAP permissions?
Please get in touch with your SAP Basis administrator for assistance.
SAP Network Settings
The process below should be repeated for every client machine and SAP system on which Panaya will be used.
In SAP Logon, right-click on the relevant system & select Properties.
Select the Network tab.
Under Network Settings, verify that the High-Speed Connection (LAN) option is checked.
Click OK.
SAP Server Settings
Use transaction RZ10 to set the following parameters -
sapgui/user_scripting = TRUE
sapgui/user_scripting_disable_recording = FALSE
sapgui/user_scripting_set_readonly = FALSE
If SAP GUI for Windows is installed together with SAP BC (former NWBC), the following parameter is also required -
sapgui/nwbc_scripting = FALSE
Start transaction RZ10
For Profile, select Default
Select Extended maintenance
Type Parameter name <parameter_name>
Type Parameter value <parameter_value>
Select Yes when prompted to save the changes in the parameter
Select Yes when prompted to save the changes in the profile
Save the profile by clicking
Select Yes when prompted to activate the profile
After setting all parameters, make changes effective by either -
Restarting the SAP application server or
Using transaction RZ11 to set all parameters while SAP is still running
IT Security Settings
Please ensure that proxy settings do not prevent Panaya from performing correctly.
If you have an anti-virus, VPN, Remote Machine, or Virtual Machine, you should add Panaya to the safe domains list. Sites on this list do not require a proxy or any other security permission.
Please add *.panaya.com to your white list or exception lists (e.g., proxy, anti-virus, etc.).
Alternatively, add the following URL's to your white-list:
my.panaya.com or emea.panaya.com
sso-us.panaya.com or sso-emea.panaya.com
No Admin Rights? Cannot proceed with client settings?
Contact your IT Administrator for assistance.