Unable to Connect to DB & Extraction Errors
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Unable to Connect to DB & Extraction Errors

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Article summary

Please note

  • When upgrading to Oracle EBS version 12.2 and above - verify that your DB version is the minimum required by Oracle
  • The extractor must be executed on the APPS Server

For Custom Code extraction errors, try options 1-6.
For Patches extraction errors, see option 6 below.

Option 1 - Add the Connection String

When running the extraction on RAC or non-RAC systems, please try running the command, with an additional third parameter= Connection String, in the following way:

 If you use the fourth parameter, -customJavaTop, it must come after the connection string.


For example -
If your Oracle EBS target version is 12.1.3 (including):

Parameter 1: apps password = xxxx
 Parameter 2 : ETL Type = F
 Parameter 3 : Connection String :  hostName = cutds.cuin.edu.au
                                                             port = 1521
                                                             SID = SIDNAME

 java -jar panaya-extractor.jar xxxx F jdbc:oracle:thin:@cutds.cuin.edu.au:1521:SIDNAME
 If you are using the -customJavaTop parameter along with a connection string, be sure that the -customJavaTop parameter follows the connection string.
 For example -
 java -jar panaya-extractor.jar xxxx F jdbc:oracle:thin:@cutds.cuin.edu.au:1521:SIDNAME -customJavaTop=/u01/oracle/VIS/R1228/fs1/EBSapps/comn/java/classes/oracle/apps


If your Oracle EBS target version is above 12.2 (including):

Parameter 1: apps password = xxxx
 Parameter 2: system password = yyyy
 Parameter 3: ETL Type = F
 Parameter 4: Connection String :   hostName = cutds.cuin.edu.au
                                                             port = 1521
                                                            SID = SIDNAME
 java -jar panaya-extractor.jar xxxx yyyy F jdbc:oracle:thin:@cutds.cuin.edu.au:1521:SIDNAME
 If you are using the -customJavaTop parameter along with a connection string, be sure that the -customJavaTop parameter follows the connection string.
 For example -
 java -jar panaya-extractor.jar xxxx yyyy F jdbc:oracle:thin:@cutds.cuin.edu.au:1521:SIDNAME - customJavaTop=/u01/oracle/VIS/R1228/fs1/EBSapps/comn/java/classes/oracle/apps


See security suggestion below

Option 2 - Connection String for Complex TNSNAMES

 You may be running Oracle RAC and received the error while running the extraction.

For complex TNSNAMES entries, e.g., Oracle RAC, that require separate SERVICE_NAME and INSTANCE_NAME parameters,
 use the following syntax:


For Oracle EBS target version up to 12.1.3 (including):

java -jar panaya-extractor.jar xxxx F jdbc:oracle:thin:@\(DESCRIPTION=\(ADDRESS=\(PROTOCOL=tcp\)\(HOST=uuuu\)\(PORT=pppp\)\)\(CONNECT_DATA=\(SERVICE_NAME=sss\)\(INSTANCE_NAME=iiii\)\)\)



xxxx=apps password;

uuuu=full host URL;

pppp=port number;

ssss= service name for the instance;

iiii=instance name


For Oracle EBS target version above 12.2 (including):

java -jar panaya-extractor.jar xxxx yyyy F jdbc:oracle:thin:@\(DESCRIPTION=\(ADDRESS=\(PROTOCOL=tcp\)\(HOST=uuuu\)\(PORT=pppp\)\)\(CONNECT_DATA=\(SERVICE_NAME=sss\)\(INSTANCE_NAME=iiii\)\)\)



xxxx=apps password;

yyyy=system password;

uuuu=full host URL;

pppp=port number;

ssss= service name for the instance;

iiii=instance name


See security suggestion below

Option 3 - For Windows Server

You may be running Oracle Apps on a Windows server and have encountered the following error messages when running the extraction.

  • Unable to connect to DB. Please check your DB connection using SQL*Plus 

  • Unable to connect to DB: Io exception: could not resolve the connect identifier "null"

To solve this, when running the extraction, instead of using the parameter <apps password>, please enter <apps user/apps password@db>

For example
 If the apps user = "apps", password = "pass" and the SID = "test" then enter: apps/pass@test

See security suggestion below

Option 4 - DB Version 12C/ 11g or higher (incl. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure)

You may be running DB version 12C (similar to 11g) or higher, try the following solution

  • Add the parameter '-ojdbc6' parameter to the command line as follows - 

    java -jar panaya-extractor.jar xxxx yyyy F -ojdbc6 jdbc:oracle:thin:@host_name:port_number/service_name 


Option 5 - Java Version 1.4 or Lower

You may be running Java version 1.4 on your server and have encountered the following error messages when running the extraction.

  • Unable to connect to DB. Please check your DB connection using SQL*Plus

  • Aborting !!!

Try solving this issue by using the following command:
 /opt/java1.4/jre/bin/java -Djava.compiler=NONE -jar panaya-extractor.jar apps F

See security suggestion below

Option 6 - Use additional Parameter

You may encounter a Patch extraction error when running the extractor on the 12c database.
 To fix this issue, using your Oracle Apps OS user (with access to the Oracle environments), execute the following command: 

java -jar panaya-ptl-extractor.jar <APPS password> <Patches directory> 


Add the driver ojdbc6 and connect string:


java -jar panaya-ptl-extractor.jar <APPS password> <Patches directory>  -ojdbc6 <connect String>


for example:

java -jar panaya-ptl-extractor.jar APPSpassword   /patchLocation  â€“ojdbc6  jdbc:oracle:thin:@host_name:port_number/service_name


See security suggestion below



Security Suggestion

Use [-prompt] - to open up a dialog box for the user to enter the apps password instead of using the passwords within the command line.
This will mask the password for cases where other users attempt to sign in to the system and issue the command ps -ef.


Extraction Errors


ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.

In the ADZDPSUM.log file of the Oracle script - there is this error: 

     from sys.registry$ r, sys.user$ u * ERROR at line 7: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist


 grant select on SYS.REGISTRY$ to SYSTEM;
 grant select on SYS.registry$schemas to SYSTEM;
 grant select on SYS.cdef$ to SYSTEM;

After you add these grants for the SYSTEM user, run the extraction again with the same jar file and command line.