Test Automation Product Updates
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Test Automation Product Updates

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Article Summary


Automation Chromium Extension
A new extension for our ScriptBuilder is now available in the Chrome store to ease the deployment process by IT administrators.

Automation Results Viewer
In this version, we introduced several improvements to our automated executions viewer, including screenshots for each instruction in historical runs.


  • Locators Value Expressions

    We added the option to use expressions in the Locators value fields to allow adjustments for elements based on dynamic values.

  • Instruction Timeout

    We changed the default timeout behavior and added the ability for users to configure it.

Data Sets
Automated test data sets now support drop-down selection as field input.


Tests and Agent Tags
Automated tests can now be assigned to run on specific agents by matching them using a new Tag field added to both ends.
Learn how

Automation State
The mandatory Automation State field has been moved to the Essential section of the General tab of the Automated Test entity to make it stand out more.

Run Results
Additional information has been added to the execution details viewer, including the run's metadata, the test's original script, and the data set.

Users can now turn on/off ScriptBuilder and Agent auto-update checks in each tool's settings.

Data Sets
Automated Tests Data Sets now support date fields' input.

Evaluate Expression Checkbox
When an input field is interacted with during an automated playback, it is sometimes required to resolve whether the user intended to insert a hard-coded text, a function/parameter, or a mix of both.
To avoid issues, a new checkbox was now added that allows users to define whether an input should be evaluated as an expression or treated as a simple string (in case of a mix, the user must insert a hard-coded string in 'single quotes').
Different types of instructions have been defined with different logic for whether or not they are checked by default.


Data Sets

  • Run automated tests with multiple data variations.

  • Convert your recorded input values to dynamic input parameters in the script.

  • Create multiple combinations of values for your input parameters

  • Import data sets from a spreadsheet

  • Set Planned Runs to run with Data Sets

User Management

  • A New Test Automation permission set includes managing automated tests, running automated tests, test sets, managing scheduling, and managing agents.

Enhanced Automation Executions Report

  • A new description column populated with the triggering event and entity selected

  • Fine-tuned the order of columns for better clarity

  • Visual indication of runs’ status breakdown

  • Added status colors for easy identification


  • Display expression results and captured values

  • Editing dropdown values

  • New “Reset Debug Run” option to clear statuses + error messages + locators results + screenshots + run time values of parameters from your last debug run.

  • New settings options - Show ScriptBuilder on top and Define default script execution timeout

  • Bug fixes



  • Show screenshots for historical runs.

Test Execution

  • Improvements related to the “Goto URL” command.



  • Viewer: Easily navigate through an executed run and compare it to the initial script or historical runs. The smart comparison feature lets you visually identify UI changes by overlaying and adjusting opacity between two images.

  • Clear Execution State: Clear and reset debug run statuses within the ScriptBuilder.

  • Script and Tool settings: added support for default date formats in script and tool settings.

  • New Automation Commands and Functions:

    • Capture Screen Element: Highlights application elements for value capture and storage into parameters for further operations.

    • Validate Screen Element: Perform quick validations or assertions on any screen element (e.g., checking if the captured message contains ‘Success’).

    • Cookies and Environment Variables: Interact with application cookies and environment variables seamlessly.

    • “Check if file exists”: Check for the existence of files during automation.

    • Capture Tab Name: Capture the tab name of the Application Under Test.

    • Pass/Fail Test: Explicitly stop the run and mark it as passed or failed upon conditions.

    • Numerical Functions: introduced additional numerical functions: round(), truncate(), in, if, etc.

    • Date functions and string functions for enhanced script flexibility: string to number, number to string, etc.

  • UI/UX Improvements: + button for adding new commands, new status icons, organized commands menu, and more.


Experience streamlined test automation scheduling within Panaya. Easily schedule single or multiple test sets, setting up recurring days and times for seamless automation of regression suites.

User Management

Licensing Visibility: Test automation user licenses are now visible and manageable within the user management console.
Contact your Panaya Customer Success Manager to activate test automation licenses.


This update brings many exciting features, enhancements, and improvements designed to elevate your experience with our tool. Here are the highlights of what you can expect.

  • Panaya Site

    • Script Auto-Refresh: After recording your actions using ScriptBuilder and saving, the script tab of the automated test now automatically refreshes. 

    • Switch Tests in ScriptBuilder: when clicking on "Open ScriptBuilder" from any automated test, you can switch from the current script to the new one.

    • New UI for the "Script" Tab: We've simplified the "Script" tab with a new UI

    • New UI for Run Results: We've enhanced the UI for viewing and analyzing your test run results.

    • New Icons for Test Types: The test tree shows new icons for the different test types.

  • ScriptBuilder

    • Locators: Our updated version of the ScriptBuilder now includes the Locator functionalities, making it easier to interact and understand how elements are identified and fix locators when needed.

    • Screenshots: when opening the side panel of the tool, you can now view the screenshot of each recorded instruction, providing valuable visual context for your script.

    • New command "Goto Section: We've introduced a convenient "Go to Section" command, allowing you to jump to any section of your script based on condition. 

  • Automation Engine

    • Engine Quality Improvements: We've made significant quality improvements to the automation engine:

    • Generic web automation fixes and enhancements:

    • GoTo URL – not always recorded

    • Record and play actions inside Iframes (non cross-domain)

    • Support Input Elements that have no “focus out”

    • Support “Escape” for closing dropdowns ext.

    • Use Default Browser to record/play

    • Fix Locators for list playback

    • Fix False Positive status for instruction playback - caused by continuing too fast to the next instruction.

    • Selenium WebDriver Download - fix automatic download from version 115 and up

    • Fix the wrong double-click identification

  • SAP Fiori-specific enhancements

    • Playback Fiori date picker control (sap.ui.model.type.Date)

    • Playback Fiori Toggle Component (including check state before action)

    • Support “Multi option” input (tokenizer) https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/#/entity/sap.m.MultiInput

    • Fix Locators for list playback

    • Salesforce Lightning: fixing the issue with input fields

  • General
    We've also addressed various bug fixes to enhance the overall stability and performance.


  • ScriptBuilder
    Our brand new automation tool can easily create robust automated scripts, including - 

    • Script Recording

    • Editing options to parametrize, fix, and optimize the automated script.

    • A Play option that enables the option to verify the successful automated execution of the script.

  • Agent
    You can install execution agent(s) on remote machines to enable the lights-out execution of automated scripts. The execution agent will receive tasks from different triggers for automated executions and perform lights-out execution of the respective automated runs requested.

  • Automated Tests
    An automated test is a new test type that includes the automated scripts built with ScriptBuilder. Automated tests can be triggered on demand.

  • Test sets
    Test sets are containers for multiple automated tests. You can add automated tests directly from the Test Set entity or create a Test Set from tests included in cycles or folders in the Test Tree.  Test sets can be run on-demand.

  • Execution Report
    A new report displaying all triggered automated executions from all sources and their results.

  • Execution Agents Management
    A new view displays the list of all agents installed on all systems, allowing to monitor the status and activity of the agents installed.