Oracle Framework Recorder & Player Troubleshooting & Guidelines
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Oracle Framework Recorder & Player Troubleshooting & Guidelines

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Article Summary

If you encounter issues when working with the Panaya Oracle Framework option of the Panaya Recorder and Player, read the below guidelines to try and solve the issue.


🚩 Issue
The Player cannot click Radio buttons and/or Quick Select buttons (most likely within a pop-up window).

💡 Solution
To solve this, click the buttons manually and select the Performed Manually option in the Player.

🚩 Issue
The Player cannot select dates within a calendar pop-up.

💡 Solution
To solve this, when recording the script, enter your dates manually in a valid format. This way, the player should be able to input the dates on playback. 


🚩 Issue
The Player cannot execute a search within a pop-up.

💡 Solution
To solve this, when recording the script, prepare the required values prior to the recording and enter them manually without searching for them. This way, the player should be able to input the values on playback.