No Information was Recorded
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No Information was Recorded

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Article summary

If you encounter the below error message, perform the suggested steps:

* The Panaya Testing Tool supports the use of the following browsers.

* Verify that you have recorded some data (like drill down or click on the mouse - to capture some information) on the browser page you record using Panaya Testing Tool.

Solution 1 - Delete the ClickOnce cache

Solution 2 -  Clear cookies and cache - 

Solution 3 - Add Panaya to your Trusted Sites

Solution 4 - Disable Adblocker on Panaya site in Chrome/IE

Solution 5 - Verify you are using the latest version of the Panaya Recorder for Web Applications extension, 1.5.1:

Tried all solutions, and still experiencing the issue?
Contact your IT Administrator for assistance.