Proxy Settings for Automatic Code Upload
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Proxy Settings for Automatic Code Upload

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Article summary

If you encounter the below error message or a similar error message (during the code extraction process), follow the suggested solution below. 

“Error : Exception The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.”

Configure SAP Automatic code extraction to work with Proxy

Most networks where Proxy is implemented inspect all SSL tunnels and their Proxy servers and issue a certificate during the handshake. This process disrupts the SAP host server communication to the Panaya server.

Typically a bypass rule is required on the Proxy server that the SAP host system uses and would be implemented by an IT administrator, allowing direct traffic to or

If a bypass rule cannot be implemented, an alternative solution would be to remove the Proxy authentication by enabling  “USER Navigation by explicit proxy without authentication” for traffic to or

If this suggested solution did not solve the issue, verify that the appropriate rule has been added to your firewall. You can use Wireshark Trace to confirm that the handshake communication is uninterrupted, as shown in the screenshot below.